august book(s) of the month

Book of the Month for Men: Every Man's Battle by Stephen Arterburn

A men's discussion group will meet on Monday nights in August (starting Aug. 12th) to discuss the book of the month at 7pm at the Naz. If you're interested in joining, no matter where you're at in the book, RSVP to Sam.   

Order your copy of Every Man's Battle by clicking HERE

Book of the Month for Women: Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge


A women's discussion group will meet on Tuesday mornings outside at the Naz at 10am. (Kids can play at the playground.) If you're interested in joining, no matter where you're at in the book, RSVP to Jennifer.

Order your copy of Captivating by clicking HERE.

july book of the month

Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves

Christianity is not about becoming a good person or going to Church on Sundays, but knowing God! That's why we study theology. Delighting in the Trinity is a crash-course in the nature of our God and the Christian faith. "This book is about growing in your enjoyment of God. It is a chance to taste and see that the Lord is good, to have your heart won and yourself refreshed." The perfect summer companion! 

Order your copy here

june book of the month

I DECLARE WAR by Levi Lusko

This book will help you get out of your own way so you can be who God made you to be and live the life He died for you to experience!

In this easy read Pastor Levi Lusko will take you through how to win the war with your thoughts, your words and your actions and introduce you to the secret power you have access to as a Christian that will help you conquer any battle!

Order Your Copy

Download the four-part discussion guide

Summer reading Challenge

For best results read with others! 

Download the discussion questions and meet up with your neighbors or small group to process what you're reading. It's one thing to enjoy a book, it's another to apply what you're reading. Get your crew to seize this summer with you!

  • Download the pdf to dive deeper into the text and apply what you're reading. Bring this along to your group discussion!

  • Not a reader? No problem. Pastor Levi Lusko has broken down each section of his book into a sermon available to you on Youtube! 

  • Not a reader? No problem. Pastor Levi Lusko breaks down each section of his book into a sermon available to you on Youtube! 

  • Not a reader? No problem. Pastor Levi Lusko has broken down each section of his book into a sermon available to you on Youtube! 

  • Not a reader? No problem. Pastor Levi Lusko breaks down each section of his book into a sermon available to you on Youtube!